*1: Cave near
Mousehole, 1842, WC (OXF) (Paton 1969a:
*2: Damp rock crevices,
quarry in valley E. of Withiel near Bodmin, Feb. 1962, JAP
(BBSUK) (Warburg 1963b: 500, Paton 1969a:
Habitats in vc1 were described as follows.
Portheras Cove: patches low on N.-facing sea-cliff, beneath
small overhangs and in crevices of flushed rocks. Porthmeor
Cove: locally plentiful, on granitic rock and gritty detritus
on base of N.-facing sea-cliff, on horizontal, or more
typically steep or vertical surfaces, always where flushed
with water, often in crevices. Associated with Bryum
pseudotriquetrum, Cratoneuron filicinum,
tophaceus, Sagina
procumbens, Samolus
valerandi; occasionally Philonotis
Two records c.fr.: capsules immature 5, 7 (few,